WHITE TAK-E-GLUE 8oz. is the best scenic adhesive to use on your model railroad scenery, military displays, or miniature dioramas. Convenient "York-Style" tapered nozzle for accurate application. Has a creamy consistency much similar to white glue. Incredible flexible holding power! Ideal for static grass application. When used in full strength, it is similar to the adhesive on 'peel and stick' items. When you apply it to your working surface, you have a 2 to 3 hour working time where it remains pressure sensitive and just about anything you press into the glue-spot will stick. This glue is ideal for applying thick scenic textures to vertical surfaces such as mountain cliff sides and building facades. Tak-E-Glue will set permanently after 3 hours when it eventually catalysts and hardens to a dull clear surface. **Product will freeze. Will NOT ship to areas experiencing below freezing termperatures.