The Subterrain Layout System consists of rigid, high-density foam products that require no power tools, hammers or nails resulting in quick and clean construction. Installing wiring and switches is fast and easy. Easily add track risers and inclines with precise grades and any radius, for reliable train operation. Create contours, roads and crossings with this complete system of products and tools.
Incline Starters (WD1411, WD1413 and WD1415) are wedges of high-density foam used to start your track on an incline. 2% incline will elevate the track 1/2". A 4% incline will elevate the track 1".
Apply Foam Putty (WD1447) to fill in small ridges where first piece of an Incline meets a Riser. Can also be applied after the Risers and Inclines have been glued in place. May be sculpted or sanded when dry.